Library Systematics

Library Systematics

0.0 General

  • 0.1 Dictionaries
  • 0.2 Encyclopedia
  • 0.3 History, Biographies

 1.0 Disciplines Related to Veterinary Medicine

  • 1.1 Anatomy, Histology, Physiology
  • 1.2 Zoology
  • 1.3 Botany, Mycology
  • 1.4 Pharmacology, Toxicology
  • 1.5 Chemistry, Biochemistry
  • 1.6 Physics, Biophysics
  • 1.7 Ecology, General Biology
  • 1.8 Ethology, Breeding
  • 1.9 Legislation, Ethics, Welfare
  • 1.10 Beekeeping, Gamekeeping, Fishery
  • 1.11 Zootechnics, Agriculture, Animal Production

2.0 Laboratory Veterinary Medicine

  • 2.1 Microbiology
  • 2.2 Immunology
  • 2.3 Parasitology
  • 2.4 Cytology, Hematology
  • 2.5 Genetics

3.0 Preventive Veterinary Medicine

  • 3.1 Hygiene, Zoohygiene
  • 3.2 Food Hygiene
  • 3.3 Epizootology, Epidemiology
  • 3.4 Nutrition

4.0 Clinical Disciplines

  • 4.1 Internal Medicine, Imaging Methods, Diagnostics
  • 4.2 Orthopedics, Surgery, Opthalmology
  • 4.3 Dentistry
  • 4.4 Anesthesiology
  • 4.5 Reproduction, Gynecology, Andrology
  • 4.6 Pathology, Patophysiology
  • 4.7 Therapy

Explanation of colors by borrowing books 

