Students and employees only need to have valid ISIC or employee card and must fill and sign an application form (ask for one by the circulation desk of Library).By signing it, they also agree to obtain rules and regulations of the Library order.
As an externist, you need to pay to the librarian by the circulation desk of the library 170,-Kč (70,-for a card, 100,- for a membership) and fill an application form too.After have paid, you will be given a bill, you need to hand over to one of the employees of the CIT (Centre of Informational technologies, building no.30), who will make a membership card for you.This card allows you to use the Library for one year, with all the rights and duties.After a year, the card can be renewed.
Students, who have begun their studies in the academic year 2019/2020, use ISIC of VETUNI to entry the library.Students, who have begun in the academic year 2020/2021 and later, use a round sticker to entry the library.You can pick the round sticker up in the study department and stick it down ISIC of Masaryk University.The round sticker will be activated until next day.
Pharmacy students don´t have access to library computers and copiers.On request a librarian at circulation desk can print some materials (black and white only) for CZK 2 /A4.Ring binding is still accessible.
See you in the Library!