Library order University of UVS (link)
In accordance with Act no.257/2001 (The Librarian law) and terms of providing public librarian and informational services and in accordance with the later regulations, Act no.111/1998 (Act on Universities) and in accordance with valid University Status and other valid inner university rules of UVPS Brno, this Library order of the University Library (hereinafter LO) is issued.
Status of University Library of UVPS within the organization structure of UVPS Brno and its evidence according to the Librarian Law
1.University Library of UVPS Brno (hereinafter “the library”) is a part of the Study and Informational Center (hereinafter “SIC”).
2.The head of SIC is responsible for working of the Library, its book stocks and for management of its approved budget.
3.In the Library Evidence, due to § 5 of the Librarian law and in accordance with § 3 article 1 letter a), is the Library registered as a basic library, and with accordance to § 12 article 1, as a basic library with specialized book stock.The Library is registered under number 2925.
4.Mission of the library is informational securing of studies and scientific and researching activities in UVPS.The library fulfills this mission through activities that include collecting, processing, keeping and accessing of book stocks through providing of librarian and informational services for all the forms of studies on UVPS and for professional, pedagogic and scientific work of departments and clinics of UVPS.The Library has a function of a central library for the net of department libraries (hereinafter DL) of UVPS, methodically leads theirs working and processes their book stocks.
5.This LO and its appendixes defines rights and duties of users for using services and book stocks of the library and also defines working of DLs, established on departments and clinics of UVPS.
6.Laws and acts relevantly related to functioning of the library:
a) Bill of Ministry of culture no.88/2002, issued to implementation of Act no.257/2001 (the Librarian law)
b) Act no.89/1995 on statistic service, as amended by the later regulations.
c) Act no.106/1999 on free access to information, as amended by the later regulations
d) Act no.121/2000 (The copyright law) and connected regulations
e) Act no.101/2000 (Act about protection of personal data) and connected regulations
7.The library builds specialized funds of informational sources both in paper and in electronic form according to information profile of the library, based on accredited study profiles.
8.The library fund, registered in accordance with § 4 and § 5 of Bill no.88/2002, published by Ministry of culture, consists of printed and digital documents.
9.The electronic information fund consists of bibliographical and full-text databases and other published documents.
11. The library fund is, after professional librarian processing, accessible for on-site (present) loans within the spaces of library, or for off-site (absent) loans, out from the spaces of library for a fixed period of time.
13.Having regard to specialization of library book and electronic funds, according to Article 4 of LO, every person older than 18 years can become a registered member of the library.
14.In accordance with mission of library (see, users of library are divided into 4 categories:
1) students
1a) students of Czech study programs
1b) students of English study programs
2a) academic staff of UVPS
2b) other university employees
3) externists
15.All the groups of users mentioned above have different conditions of access to library services. Those conditions are listed in part V.– Order of librarian and informational services (The borrowing order).
16.During the primal registration is the user obliged to become acquainted with this library order.The user confirms his knowledge of this LO and promises to keep its rules and regulations by signing a properly filled application form.Hangover of properly filled and signed application form, verified by a librarian on the bases of checking user´s personal ID card or passport, creates a contract of loan between the user and the library, in accordance with § 659-662 of Act no.40/1964.Every user gives by his signature to the application form his approval with an evidence of his personal data, stated in the application form (surname, name, title, permanent residence address, date of birth), in the library evidence of users.He also agrees, in accordance with § 5 artic.2 of Act no.101/2000,with processing of his personal data.He also agrees to be scanned by the camera surveillance system in the public part of library, and also agrees with recording of all the surveillance by UVPS for the reasons of protection of university property.
17.As a library card serves a chip card made by the CIT (Centre of Informational Technologies) of UVPS.The card is nontransferable, entering the library is possible only with valid, functional card.
18.Users are obliged to obey the LO and directions of librarians ant to respect instructions published by relevant organs or persons.
19.User is obliged to report any changes of information mentioned on application form to librarians as soon as possible.
20.For an electronic communication between user and the library (except for external users) will be used only user´s actual university e-mail address. For external users will be used an e-mail address stated on the application form.User is obliged to check out his/her e-mail account regularly and in appropriate periods.
21.It is not allowed to entry the library under influence of alcohol or drugs.Within all the library spaces is user required to obey the ban of smoking and eating.Drinks are allowed to be brought inside the library only in closed containers.
22.Hallway lockers are allowed to be used only during user´s visit of the library and maximally until the library closure of the same day.
23.Within all the library premises is the user obliged to behave in a way that would not disturb or limit other users of library, keep the library clean, not to use a cell phone and to obey instructions of library employees.In the case of not obeying those rules, the user can be banished from the library.
24.In the case of serious or repeated violations of the LO can the user be temporarily or permanently deprived of his user´s rights.Nevertheless, this does not deprives the user of his responsibilities (according to valid laws and rules, see The Civil Code), or his obligation to pay for possible damage or loss of library property.
25.For employees, their users rights end on the day of termination of their working contract on UVPS, for students their rights end on the day of finish or interruption of their studies;their liabilities towards the library must be settled at the latest to that day.
26.The library provides services, in accordance with § 4 of The Librarian Law, only for properly registered individuals.
27.For legal persons is the library fund accessible through Inter-library loan service, in accordance with valid regulations.
Loan services:
a) reference only, self-served loans in public spaces of the library
b) reference only, librarian provided loans
c) absent (take away) loans from the free selection space
d) absent loans provided by librarian from deposits
e) self-made reservations and prolongations of books
Interlibrary services:
a) interlibrary loan service
b) international interlibrary loan service
c) providing of copies of documents
Information services:
a) advisory service – providing informations about catalogues, databases, funds and possibilities of using the library
b) book funds location service - finding informations about reachability of book funds
c) bibliographic informational service - informations of bibliographical and factual character
d) consulting service
e) retrieving (recherché) service - lists of bibliographic, factual and other information, created on the basis of written request
Reprographic services:
a) black & white and color copying
b) scanning
c) black & white and color printing
Electronic services:
a) services reachable via library websites
b) electronic communication with library users
c) providing access into electronic informational sources and internet
d) access to one´s own library readers account for registered users
Another services:
a) library websites
b) trainings about library services and their usage for registered or potential library users
c) informational sciences education and trainings for registered members
d) propagation of library and its services
e) publicly accessible main library catalogue
The library provides most of its services for free of charge, but some of the services are paid.Exact amounts of fees and charges are listed in the Pricelist of paid services, fees and sanctions (see Appendix no.1).
Order of librarian and informational services
(Borrowing order)
28.For borrowing of book funds applies provisions § 659-662 of The Civil Code.
29.Loans are done in accordance with the Library mission (see Article 2.), and in accordance with provisions of Act no. 101/2002 (The Copyright Law).
30. Loans for libraries or institutions from funds of the Library will be provided through the interlibrary loan service in accordance with Ministry of culture bill no.88/2002 and with methodical directions of National library of Czech Republic.
31.The library provided loans:- off-site loans (absent loans)
- on-site loans (present loans)
32.Borrowing periods are determined by the kind of the document:
a) on-site loans only:precious or irreplaceable publications, single volumes of periodicals, thesis, digital documents and publications marked with red stripe.
b) off-site loans for 1 month, 2 possible prolongations:documents marked with yellow stripe, completed years of magazines in hard-back.
c) off-site loans for 6 months, no prolongations:scripts and textbooks marked with green stripe
d) off-site loans for 45 days, 1 possible prolongation:books for English programs students, marked with blue stripe
33.Academic employees of UVPS can ask for longer borrowing period of documents and for higher than normal maximum amount of loans.
34.Prolongation of borrowing period is possible only if the document is not reserved by another user.
35.In a case that the document to be borrowed is especially precious or unique (for example, loan of book or books that value over 3000,-Kč), can the library asked the user for a deposit of non-interest-bearing surety in amount stated by a librarian.The surety will be returned to user only if the document is given back in undamaged condition.
36.The maximum amount of loans for one user is 15 documents at a time.
37.The user can borrow only one copy of each title at a time.
38.Every user is obtained to follow due dates of his borrowed documents and to return the documents on time at the circulation desk or to the bibliobox.Information about due dates can be found via internet in library on-line catalogue or requested at the circulation desk of the library.
39.For legal persons, all the loans are obtained through Interlibrary loan service for period of (max.) 30 days.
40.In a case that document requested by the user is not in the stock of the library, the library can provide, on the basis of user´s request, a loan of the document or a xerocopy of the document from another library, in accordance with §14 of the valid Librarian law and in accordance with § 2 and 3 of the Bill of Ministry of Culture no.88/2002 and in accordance with methodical instructions of the National Library of Czech Republic.
41.Details of the loan and the borrowing period for the borrowed document(s) sets the borrowing library.
42.Price for each ILS charges the library, in accordance with § 4 Art.2 Let.b and c of the Librarian Law, on the base of actually realized expenses for the service.
43.When asking for ILS, the user can be asked by the Library for deposit of money in the approximate high of supposed expenses, so to cover the expenses connected with realization of the loan.After the loan is realized, the price of the ILS will be charged according to the real expenses and the rest of the deposited money returned to the user.
44.Information retrieving services (recherché services) are provided in the written form on the base of specified demand.The library provides this service for academic employees of UVPS for free, or as a paid service for externists.
45.Users can use self-served printing and copying systems, agenda of those systems is supervised by SafeQ.Printing and copying services by SafeQ are reachable in the open space of library and at Kaunicovy koleje dormitories.
46.For copying and printing fees, see Appendix no.1
47.Putting credit to the chip (ISIC) card is possible only in cash at the circulation desk of the library, at the recharging point in the open space of the library or at the reception of Kaunicovy koleje dormitories.The card must be charged before the user starts to print or copy.
48.Rules for electronic services, usage of network and computer technologies in the library are determined by the Rector´s Directive no.ZS 3/2011 from 31.3.2011, ref.numb.111158/2011 – Usage of network and computer technologies at UVPS Brno.
49.The user is responsible for damages caused on the library property in accordance with valid generally binding legal regulations.
50.Damage, destruction or loss of borrowed document is the user obtained to report immediately to the staff of library, and to compensate the loss until the date set by the Library.The form and/or the amount of compensation specifies head of the library.Possible forms of compensation:
a) by delivery of undamaged copy of the same document and of the same edition
b) by delivery of undamaged copy of the same document but of a different edition
c) by delivery of photocopy of the same document
d) by delivery of a different document, that fulfills the requirements of the library information profile and is of the same financial value
e) money compensation
51.Until the form of compensation is stated and until all debts of user towards the library are settled, the library has the right to suspend providing all services to the user.
52.If the user does not return borrowed documents until the stated term, arises a duty to pay overdue penalty for each document/day.
53.Independently on overdue penalties, the library can enforce return of the borrowed books through reminders.The library usually sends 3 reminders (notifications) via e-mail.4th notification is send by a registered letter.Students, who do not have permanent address in Czech Republic, would only receive 4 reminders/notifications on their school mail.After 4threminder follows enforcement through a legal way.
54.All the forms of payments have to be done in cash against a bill, given to the user by a library employee designated for this purpose by the head of the library.
55.In exceptional cases, after agreement with the head of the library, the payment can be done in cashless form by transfer of money to a bank account of the library.
56.For other fees and charges, see Appendix no.1
57.Changes and supplements of this LO and its appendixes authorizes the rector of UVPS Brno on the bases of suggestion from the head of the library, after discussion on the Library committee of UVPS Brno and according to a final suggestion from vice rector for science, scientific research and foreign affairs.All exceptions from the library order allows the head of the library.
58.Appendix no.1:Pricelist of fees and paid services for the designated period
Appendix no.2:Rules and directions for working of department libraries and their list
59.The library order from 21.November of 2005 has been repealed.
60.This library order takes effect and is valid from the day of its publication, i.e.1st of November 2012.
Prof.MVDr.Vladimír Večerek CSc, MBA
Rector of UVPS Brno
Responsible official (gestor): PhDr.Jana Slámová
Paid services:
1. Students membership registration to Library for 1 school year
no fee
2. Employees membership registration to Library
no fee
3. Externists membership registration to Library for 1 year
100,- Kč
Externist membership card (compulsory)
70,- Kč
4.Self-service reprographic and printing services:
For 1 A4 page of black and white print/copy
1,50,- Kč
For 1 A4 page of colour print/copy
8,- Kč
5. Ring binding
20,- Kč
6. Retreaving services:
Information retreavement (recherches) for employees
no fee
Information retreavement for externists Kč/1hour.
250,- Kč
7. ILS – Interlibrary Loan Service (does not include IILS - International Interlibrary Loan Service)
2,- Kč/page+ postage
Late return fees and penalties:
1.Penalty for each library unit (book)/day delayed 3,-Kč
2.Penalty for unauthorised usage of hallway locker/day 20,-Kč
3.Penalty for lost locker key or damaged locker 500,-Kč