Professor Alois Nečas, DVM., Ph.D., MBA
Rector of the University of Veterinary Sciences Brno
prof.MVDr.Alois Nečas, Ph.D., MBA
+420 54156 2000
In 1989 he graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Brno, he graduated with honours in the field of general veterinary medicine and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine - DVM.
Immediately after the graduation he started his professional career at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Brno, today’s University of Veterinary Sciences Brno, where he gradually worked as an assistant lecturer, lecturer, associated professor at the surgery department where he still works as a professor.
Academic – scientific degrees:
1997 – PhD – completion of doctoral studies in surgery and orthopaedics at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of UVPS Brno, degree awarded January 1, 1999
1999 – Assoc.Prof. – habilitation in surgery and orthopaedics, presented and defended in English
2004 – Prof. – specialization in pet animal diseases
Other professional qualifications
1995 – Acquisition of a certificate of professional competence pursuant to Section 17 of Act No.246/1992 Coll.of the Czech National Council on the Protection of Animal against Cruelty.
1996 – Member of the international society for the fracture treatment AO Vet in Switzerland (AO Vet Member)
1997 – Member of the European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatologists - ESVOT (European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
1998 – Expert assessor for HD and ED
2000 – Specialist veterinary doctor for diseases of small animals
2000 – in the USA certified member of the international society PennHIP
2001 – International orthopaedic certification for TPLO
2002 – Expert assessor for patellar luxation
2008 - Master of Business Administration – MBA
2014 – Certification of the Expertise for suggesting the trials and projects accordingly to Section 15d (3) of Act No.246/1992 Coll., on the Protection Animal against Cruelty, as amended
Foreign stays
Surgery Clinic of the Veterinary University in Vienna (Austria)
Surgery Department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht (Netherlands)
Surgery Department of the Purdue University in Indiana (USA)
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (USA)
Veterinary Faculty Guelph University (Canada)
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)
Texas A&M University (USA)
University of Illinois, Urbana (USA)
Iowa State University (USA)
- Orthopaedics of small animals (diseases of joints and bones, arthroscopy fracture treatment)
- Neuro-surgery (diseases of spinal column in small animals and their surgical treatment)
- Was the first in the Czech Republic to introduce the surgeries of spine surgery in small animals, as well as arthroscopically assisted joint surgery.
- Is a creative representative of the reference surgical centre in the Czech Republic
Head of subjects in master’s degree programme at the FVM and FVHE UVPS Brno
- General surgery and anaesthesiology
- Surgery and orthopaedics of small animals
- Competencies – Surgery and orthopaedics of small animals
- Mini-invasive surgery
- Composite state rigorous exam in Canine and Feline Diseases
Serving on postgraduate study field committees
- Chairman of the Field Committee for Small Animal Diseases
- Coordinator of the field and vice-chairman of the Field Committee for Surgery, Orthopaedics and Diagnostic Imagining
- Member of the Field Committee for Surgery at the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno
- Member of the Field Committee for Oncology at the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno
Supervisor of 13 students of doctoral study programme in total
- Of whom one international student (Thailand)
Supervisor of graduates from the master’s degree programme at the FVM UVPS Brno
- Four students have defended their master thesis so far.
Memberships in professional and scientific organisations
- Chairman of the Scientific Board of UVS Brno
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Masaryk University Brno
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Mendel University Brno
- Member of the Scientific Board of UVMP in Košice
- Member of the Scientific Board of the FVM of UVS Brno
- Member of the Scientific Board of the FVHE of UVS Brno
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Medical Faculty of Masaryk University Brno
- Member of the Presidium (Executive Committee) of the European Association of Veterinary Faculties and Universities (EAEVE) (2010-2012)
- President of Region 7 under EAEVE (2010-2012)
- Member of the Presidium of VetCEE (executive committee for the postgraduate education in Europe) – since 2012
- Appointed for auditing activities under EAEVE (since 2013)
- International expert– evaluator of EAEVE (the European Association of Veterinary Faculties)
- President of VetNEST (between 2010 and 2012)
- Member of the Expert Group of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports CR for the National Qualifications Framework (2009-2010)
- Chairman of the Committee for the management of the hip and elbow dysplasia assessment in the Czech Republic
- Chairman of the Examination and Appeal Commission of the Czech Veterinary Doctors Chamber for hereditary orthopaedic defects (HD a ED)
Research projects
- participant, co-participant, and contributor in 24 research projects in total promoted by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT)
- Participant-coordinator of an extensive project under MŠMT’s National Research Programme II between 2006 and 2011
- CEITEC FVM – Head of the research group RG 7-5 Orthopaedics and Surgery between 2009 and 2014
Significant stays connected with solution of research problems abroad
- In the year 1997 he acted as the „visiting consultant “at Purdue University in Indiana in the USA within the research project „Investigation of the Effects of Particulate Titanium Alloy on Bone Implant Interfaces in the Dog “, related to the implantation of total endoprothesis of the hip joint in dogs.
- In the year 2005 he cooperated in the research project undertaken at the University of Illinois in the USA, focused on the arthroscopic classification of dysplasia of the elbow joint in dogs.
Significant foreign presentations as the „invited speaker “
- Invited speaker at the Congress with practical course in Key Largo, Florida, USA in the year 2004, held by Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine.
- Invited speaker at the Congress with practical course in Key Largo, Florida, USA in the year 2005, held by Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine.
- Invited speaker on a significant event in the area of orthopaedics of small animals – The Second World Orthopaedics Congress held in Keystone, Colorado, USA.
• Invited speaker and the head of orthopaedics section in the World Congress WSAVA (World Small Animal Veterinary Association) 2006 in Prague. - Invited speaker in the traditional veterinary conference Purdue Veterinary Medicine 2011 Fall Conference, held at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.
- Invited speaker and the head of surgery and orthopaedics section in the World Congress WVC (World Veterinary Congress) 2013 in Prague.
- Invited speaker to the 13th European Congress EVECCS (European Society of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care) 2014 in Prague.
Leading positions
1994–1999 charged with managing the Department of Surgery of Smalls Animals in the Clinic of Surgery and Orthopaedics
1998–1999 Deputy of the Counsellor of the Clinic of Surgery and Orthopaedics at UVPS Brno
1999-2006 Deputy of the Counsellor of the Clinic of Small Animals/Clinic of Canine and Feline Diseases
1999- up to now the Couns.of the Department of Surgery and Orthopaedics KCHPK FVM UVS Brno
2012- up to now the Couns.of the Department of Canine and Feline Diseases FVM UVS Brno
2006-2010 Vice-rector for science, research and foreign affairs UVPS Brno
2010-2018 Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UVPS Brno UVPS Brno
2018- up to now Rector of the University of Veterinary Sciences in Brno
Publication activities
Totally 351 scientific and pedagogical publications, out of them:
- 107 scientific works in international scientific journals with the impact facto
- 1 work in international scientific journals without the impact facto
- 46 articles in professional journal
- 23 pedagogical textbooks, chapters in textbooks, teaching audio-visual aid
- 21 monographies
- 102 contributions in extenso in conference quires, out of them 35 published abroad
- 51 abstracts in conference quires or scientific journals, posters, out of them 27 published abroad
- 1 invention accordingly to § 31 Law No.527/1990 Coll.(one of the initiators of the invention)
Very important is also his own work on 300 patients with the spinal column operation which was cited in the most famous world textbook of surgery of small animals Textbook of Small Animal Surgery, 3rd ed., whose author was SLATTER
Citations accordingly to SCI
- SCI totally 1501, without citations 1299
- h-index 21
Overview of publication activities
Prof.MVDr.Alois Nečas, Ph.D., MBA
Pedagogical publications
- NEČAS, A. (1994):Nemoci víček.In:SVOBODA a kol.:Dermatologie psa a kočky.T.S.Print s.r.o.Brno, 1994, s.338-346.
- NEČAS, A., MEZEROVÁ, J., RAUŠER, P.:Obecná chirurgie a anesteziologie.In:SVOBODA, M., SENIOR, D.F., DOUBEK, J., KLIMEŠ, J.a kolektiv:Nemoci psa a kočky.I.díl., Noviko a.s., 2000, s.193-237, ISBN 80-902595-2-9.
- ZATLOUKAL, J., DOUBEK, J., NEČAS, A.:Akutní a kritické stavy.In:SVOBODA, M., SENIOR, D.F., DOUBEK, J., KLIMEŠ, J.a kolektiv:Nemoci psa a kočky.I.díl., Noviko a.s., 2000, s.297-330, ISBN 80-902595-2-9.
- NEČAS, A.:Nemoci pohybového systému.In:SVOBODA, M., SENIOR, D.F., DOUBEK, J., KLIMEŠ, J.a kolektiv:Nemoci psa a kočky.II.díl., Noviko a.s., 2001, s.1359-1559, ISBN 80-902595-3-7.
- NEČAS, A.:Léčiva s účinkem na pohybový aparát.In:ŠNIRC, J., SOKOL, J., SEGINKO, J., HERA, A.a kol.Klinická veterinárna farmakológia.1.vyd.Martin:Neografie, 2007, 1184 s.
- ZATLOUKAL, J., DOUBEK, J., NEČAS, A.:Akutní a kritické stavy.In:SVOBODA, M., SENIOR, D.F., DOUBEK, J., KLIMEŠ, J.a kolektiv:Nemoci psa a kočky.I.díl., 2.Vyd., Noviko a.s., 2008, s.105-187, ISBN 978-80-86542-18-8.
- NEČAS, A., MEZEROVÁ, J., LEXMAULOVÁ, L.:Obecná chirurgie.In:SVOBODA, M., SENIOR, D.F., DOUBEK, J., KLIMEŠ, J.a kolektiv:Nemoci psa a kočky.I.díl., 2.Vyd., Noviko a.s., 2008, s.189-255, ISBN 978-80-86542-18-8.
Audiovisual training programmes
- NEČAS, A., DVOŘÁK, M.:Diagnostika kulhání u malých zvířat.(pro studenty 5.ročníku FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A.:Artroskopické operace v ortopedii malých zvířat.(pro studenty 5.ročníku FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., HULSE, D., KECOVÁ, H.:Bandáže a dlahování končetin.(pro studenty 5.ročníku FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., HUDSON, S., KECOVÁ, H.:Rehabilitace pacientů po ortopedických operacích.(pro studenty 5.ročníku FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Artroskopie ramenního kloubu.Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Artroskopie loketního kloubu.Arthroscopy of the elbow joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Artroskopie karpálního kloubu.Arthroscopy of the carpal joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Artroskopie kyčelního kloubu.Arthroscopy of the hip joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Artroskopie kolenního kloubu.Arthroscopy of the stifle joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Artroskopie tarzálního kloubu.Arthroscopy of the tarsal joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Videotest:kyčelní kloub.Videotest:hip joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Videotest:kolenní kloub.Videotest:stifle joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Videotest:tarzální kloub.Videotest:tarsal joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Videotest:ramenní kloub.Videotest:shoulder joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Videotest:loketní kloub.Videotest:elbow joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
- NEČAS, A., NEČASOVÁ, A., SRNEC, R.:Videotest:karpální kloub.Videotest:carpal joint.(pro studenty FVL a FVHE VFU)
Scientific and scholarly publications
Original scientific papers published in extenso in scientific journals
- NEČAS, A.:Results of Surgical Treatment of the Thoracolumbar Disc Disease in the Dog.Vet.Med.-Czech 1995, 40 (7):213-216.
- NEČAS, A.:Neurosurgical Treatment of Intervertebral Disc Disease in the Dog.Vet.Med.-Czech 1995, 40 (9):299-304.
- NEČAS, A., DVOŘÁK, M.:Development of the Spine Following Pinealectomy in Growing Rats.Acta vet.Brno, 1999, 68 (1):31-39.
- NEČAS, A., DVOŘÁK, M., ZATLOUKAL, J.:Incidence of Osteochondrosis in Dogs and Its Late Diagnosis.Acta vet.Brno, 1999, 68 (2):131-139.
- NEČAS, A., SEDLÁKOVÁ, D.:Changes in the Creatine Kinase and Lactate Dehydrogenase Activities in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Dogs with Thoracolumbar Disc Disease.Acta vet.Brno, 1999, 68 (2):111-120.
- NEČAS, A.:Clinical Aspects of Surgical Treatment of Thoracolumbar Disc Disease in Dogs.A Retrospective Study of 300 Cases.Acta vet.Brno, 1999, 68 (2):121-130.
- NEČAS, A.:Rate of neurologic recovery as an Indicator of long-term Prognosis in Dogs with Surgically Treated Thoracolumbar Disc Disease.Vet Med-Czech, 2000, 45 (1):19-24.
- DVOŘÁK, M., NEČAS, A., ZATLOUKAL, J.:Complications of long bone fracture healing in dogs:functional and radiological criteria for their assessment.Acta vet.Brno, 2000, 69 (2):107-114.
- NEČAS, A., ZATLOUKAL, J., KECOVÁ, H., DVOŘÁK, M.:Predisposition of dog breeds to rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament.Acta vet.Brno, 2000, 69 (4):305-310.
- ZATLOUKAL, J., NEČAS, A., DVOŘÁK, M.:Measuring craniocaudal instability in stifle joints of dogs using stress radiographs.Acta vet.Brno, 2000, 69:311-317.
- NEČAS, A., ZATLOUKAL, J.:Factors related to the risk of meniscal injury in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture.Acta Vet.Brno 2002, 71:77-84.
- NEČAS, A., SRNEC, R., KECOVÁ, H.:Diagnostic reliability of stifle arthroscopy of pathological changes in cruciate deficient knee.Acta Vet.Brno 2002, 71 (2):249-254.
- Raušer P., Zatloukal J., NEČAS, A.., Lorenzová J., Raušerová L.:Combination of medetomidine and ketamine for a short-term anaesthesia in ferrets:a clinical study.Acta Vet.Brno 2002, 71 (3):243-248.
- GÁL, P., NEČAS, A., ADLER, J., TEYSCHL, O., FABIÁN, P., BIBROVÁ, Š.:Transplantation of the autogenous chondrocyte graft to physeal defects:an experimental study in pigs.Acta Vet.Brno 2002, 71 (3):327-332.
- BarÁnyiová, E, Holub, A, Martiníková, M, Nečas, A, Zatloukal, J:Intraspecies Bite Wounds in Dogs in the Czech Republic.Acta Vet.Brno 2003, 72:55-62.
- Soontornvipart K., NEČAS, A., Dvořák, M.:Effects of metallic implant on the risk of bone bacterial infection in small animal fracture treatment.Acta Vet.Brno 2003, 72 (2):235-247.
- SOONTORNVIPART, K, NEČAS, A, DVOŘÁK, M, ZATLOUKAL, J, SMOLA, J:Posttraumatic bacterial infections in extremities before and after osteosynthesis in small animals.Acta Vet.Brno 2003, 72 (2):249-260.
- NEČAS, A.., DVOŘÁK, M.:Surgical treatment of a saggital intraarticular femoral head fracture with coxofemoral dislocation in two mature dogs.Acta Vet.Brno 2003, 72 (2):261-265.
- NEČAS, A.., RAUŠER P., TICHÝ F., KOHOUT P., KECOVÁ H.:Retrobulbar Rhabdomyosarcoma in a Hovawart.Acta Vet.Brno 2003, 72 (3):399-404
- FALDYNA, M., ZATLOUKAL, J., LEVA, L., NEČAS, A., TOMAN, M.:Lymphocyte subsets in synovial fluid from clinically healthy joints of dogs.Acta Vet.Brno 2004, 73 (1):73-78
- FALDYNA, M., ZATLOUKAL, J., LEVA, L., KOHOUT, P., NEČAS, A., TOMAN, M.:Lymphocyte subsets in stifle joint synovial fluid of dogs with spontaneous rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament.Acta Vet.Brno 2004, 73 (1):79-84
- KECOVÁ, H., NEČAS, A.:Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation:recent trends in cataract surgery.Acta Vet.Brno 2004, 73 (1):85-92
- ZATLOUKAL J., CRHA, M., LORENZOVÁ, J., HUSNÍK, R., KOHOUT, P., NEČAS, A.:The comparative advantage of plain radiography in diagnosis of obstruction of the small intestine in dogs.Acta Vet.Brno 2004, 73:365-374
- PaŠa L., NEČAS A, Piperisová I, Kecová H, VIŠŇA P, TichÝ F:Experimental Meniscal Allografts in the Rabbit.Acta Vet.Brno 2005, 74:87-95
- Zatloukal J, Lorenzová J, TichÝ F, NEČAS A, Kecová H, Kohout P:Breed and Age as Risk Factors for Canine Mammary Tumours.Acta Vet.Brno 2005, 74:103-109
- Kecová H, Hlinomazová Z, Raušer P, Nečas A:Corneal inflammatory disease – Infectious keratitis in dogs.Acta Vet.Brno.2004, 73:359‑363
- Raušer P, Dvořák M, Nečas A, Lexmaulová L, Novotná R:Effects of Intraarticular Bupivavaine Administration on Postoperative Pain Relief after Arthrotomic or Arthroscopic Management of Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Dogs.Acta Vet Brno.2005, 74:613-619
- ZATLOUKAL J, CRHA M, LexmaulovÁ L, NeČas A, FICHTEL T:Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus Syndrome:Outcome and Factors Associated with Perioperative Mortality.Acta Vet Brno.2005, 74:621-631
- VLAŠÍN M, RAUŠER P, FICHTEL T, NeČas A:Subtotal intracapsular prostatectomy as a useful treatment for advanced-stage prostatic malignancies.J.Small Anim.Pract 2006, 47:512-516
- WAGNER K, GRIFFON DJ, THOMAS MW, SCHAEFFER DJ, SCHULZ K, SAMII VF, NECAS A:Radiographic, computed tomographic, and arthroscopic evaluation of experimental radio-ulnar incongruence in the dog.Veterinary Surgery 2007, 36 (7):691-698
- GÁL P, NEČAS A, PLÁNKA L, KECOVÁ H, KŘEN L, KRUPA P, HLUČILOVÁ J, USVALD D:Chondrocytic potential of allogenic mesenchymal stem cells transplanted without immunosuppression to regenerate physeal defect in rabbits.Acta Vet Brno 2007, 76:265-275
- PLÁNKA L, NEČAS A, GÁL P, KECOVÁ H, FILOVÁ E, KŘEN L, KRUPA P:Prevention of bone bridge formation using transplantation of the autogenous mesenchymal stem cells to physeal defects:An experimental study in rabbits.Acta Vet Brno 2007, 76:253-263
- KOLÁČNÁ L, BAKEŠOVÁ J, VARGA F, KOŠŤÁKOVÁ E, PLÁNKA L, NEČAS A, LUKÁŠ D, AMLER E, PELOUCH V:Biochemical and biophysical aspects of collagen nanostructure in the extracellular matrix.Physiol.Res.2007, 56 (Suppl.1) Biophysics in Medical Research:S51-S60
- JANČÁŘ J, SLOVÍKOVÁ A, AMLER E, KRUPA P, KECOVÁ H, PLANKA L, GAL P, NEČAS A:Mechanical response of porous scaffolds for cartilage engineering.Physiol.Res.2007, 56 (Suppl.1) Biophysics in Medical Research:S17-S25
- KRUPA P, KRŠEK P, JAVORNÍK M, DOSTÁL O, SRNEC R, USVALD D, PROKS P, KECOVA H, AMLER E, JANČÁŘ J, GÁL P, PLÁNKA L, NEČAS A:Use of 3D geometry modelling of osteochondrosis-like iatrogenic lesions as a template for press-and-fit scaffold seeded with mesenchymal stem cells.Physiol.Res.2007, 56 (Suppl.1) Biophysics in Medical Research:S107-S114
- VARGA, F., Držík M, Handl M, Chlpík J, Kos P, Filová E, Rampichová M, Nečas A, Trč T, Amler E.Biomechanical characterization of cartilages by a novel approach of blunt impact testing.Physiol.Res.2007, 56 (Suppl.1) Biophysics in Medical Research:S61-S68
- NEČAS A, PLÁNKA L, SRNEC R, RAUŠER P, URBANOVÁ L, LORENZOVÁ J, CRHA M, JANČÁŘ J, GÁL P:Biomaterials and Stem Cells in the Treatment of Articular Cartilage, Meniscal, Physeal, Bone, Ligamentous and Tendineous Defects.Acta Vet.Brno 2008, 77 (2):277-284.
- MÍČKOVÁ A, TOMÁNKOVÁ K, KOLÁŘOVÁ H, BAJGAR R, KOLÁŘ P, ŠUNKA P, PLENCNER M, JAKUBOVÁ R, BENEŠ J, KOLÁČNÁ L, PLÁNKA L, NEČAS A, AMLER E:Ultrasonic shock-wave as a control mechanism for liposome drug delivery system for possible use in scaffold implanted to animals with iatrogenic articular cartilage defects.Acta Vet.Brno 2008, 77 (2):285-289.
- RAUŠER P, LEXMAULOVÁ L, SRNEC R, LORENZOVÁ J, KECOVÁ H, CRHA M, FICHTEL T, NOVOTNÁ R, DVOŘÁK M, NEČAS A:Changes of vital parameters after application of butorphanol during TKX anesthesia for joint surgery in miniature pigs.Acta Vet Brno 2008, 77 (2):251-256.
- PLANKA L, GAL P, KECOVA H, KLIMA J, HLUCILOVA J, FILOVA E, AMLER E, KRUPA P, KREN L, SRNEC R, URBANOVA L, LORENZOVA J, NECAS A:Allogeneic and autogenous transplantations of MSCs in treatment of the physeal bone bridge in rabbits.BMC Biotechnol.2008, 8:70:doi:10.1186/1472-6750-8-70
- Crha M, Lorenzova J, Urbanova L, Fichtel T, Necas A:Effect of selected preoperative factors on postoperative mortality in dogs with small bowel obstruction.Acta Vet.Brno 2008, 77 (2):257-261
- Crha M, Lorenzova J, Urbanova L, Fichtel T, Necas A:Two techniques of intestinal wall suture in surgical treatment of ileus in dogs and the importance of omentalisation.Acta Vet.Brno 2008, 77 (2):263-267
- Lexmaulova L, Novotna R, Rauser P, Necas A:Complications related to surgical treatment of intervertebral disc disease in dogs.Acta Vet.Brno 2008, 77 (2):269-276
- PLÁNKA L, NEČAS A, SRNEC R, RAUŠER P, STARÝ D, JANČÁŘ J, AMLER E, FILOVÁ E, HLUČILOVÁ J, KŘEN L, GÁL P:Use of allogenic stem cells for the prevention of bone bridge formation in miniature pigs.Physiological Research, 2009, vol.58, no.6, p.885-893
- CRHA M, NEČAS A, SRNEC R, JANOVEC J, STEHLÍK L, RAUŠER P, URBANOVÁ L, PLÁNKA L, JANČÁŘ J, AMLER E:Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Bone Tissue Regeneration and Application to Bone Healing.Acta Vet.Brno, 2009, vol.78, no.4, p.635-642
- JANČÁŘ J, VOJTOVÁ L, NEČAS A, SRNEC R, URBANOVÁ L, CRHA M:Stability of Collagen Scaffold Implants for Animals with Iatrogenic Articular Cartilage Defects.Acta Vet.Brno, 2009, vol.78, no.4, p.643-648
- PLÁNKA L., STARÝ D., HLUČILOVÁ J., KLÍMA J., JANČÁŘ J., KŘEN L., LORENZOVÁ J., URBANOVÁ L., CRHA M., SRNEC R., DVOŘÁK M., GÁL P., NEČAS A.:Comparison of Preventive and Therapeutic Transplantations of Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Healing of the Distal Femoral Growth Plate Cartilage Defects in Miniature Pigs.Acta Vet Brno 2009 (78):293-302
- Zatloukal, J., Raušer, P., Nečas, A., Raška, V., Crha, M., Fichtel, T.Bronchoösophageale Fistel als Folge eines Fremdkörpers im Ösophagus.(Bronchooesophageal fistula caused by a foreign body in the oesophagus of a dog).Kleintierpraxis, 2009, vol.54, no.3, p.155-159
- Lexmaulová, L., Zatloukal, J., Proks, P., Dvořák, M., Srnec, R., Raušer, P., Kecová, H., Nečas, A.Incidence of seizures associated with iopamidol or iomeprolmyelography in dogs with intervertebral disk disease:161 cases (2000-2002).Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 2009, vol.19, no.9, p.611-616.
- Necas, A., Planka, L., Srnec, R., Crha, M., Hlucilova, J., Klima, J., Stary, D., Kren, L., Amler, E., Vojtova, L., Jancar, J., Gal, P.Quality of newly formed cartilaginous tissue in defects of articular surface after transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells in a composite scaffold based on Collagen I with Chitosan Micro- and Nanofibres.Physiological Research, 2010, vol.59, no.4, p.605-614.
- NEČAS, A., PROKS, P., URBANOVÁ, L., SRNEC, R., STEHLÍK, L., CRHA, M., RAUŠER, P., PLÁNKA, L., AMLER, E., VOJTOVÁ, L., JANČÁŘ, J.Radiographic assessment of implant failures of titanium 3.5 LCP vs.4.5 LCP used for flexible bridging osteosynthesis of large segmental femoral diaphyseal defects in a miniature pig model.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2010, vol.79, no.4, p.599‑606
- NEČAS, A., PROKS, P., URBANOVÁ, L., SRNEC, R., STEHLÍK, L., CRHA, M., RAUŠER, P., PLÁNKA, L., AMLER, E., VOJTOVÁ, L., JANČÁŘ, J.Healing of large segmental bone defect after implantation of autogenous cancellous bone graft in comparison with hydroxyapatite and 0,5% collagen scaffold in combination with mesenchymal stem cells.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2010, vol.79, no.4, p.607‑612.
- NEČAS, A., URBANOVÁ, L., FÜRST, T., ŽENČÁK, P., TUČEK, P.Mathematical modelling of crack fractography after implant failure of titanium 4.5 LCP used for flexible bridging osteosynthesis in a miniature pig.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2010, vol.79, no.4, p.621‑628.
- Rampichova, M., Filova, E., Varga, F., Lytvynets, A., Prosecka, E., Kolacna, L., Motlik, J., Necas, A., Vajner, L., Uhlik, J., Amler, E.Fibrin/hyaluronic acid composite hydrogels as appropriate scaffolds for in vivo artificial cartilage implantation source.Asaio Journal, 2010, vol.56, no.6, p.563-568.
- PROKS, P., STEHLÍK, L., IROVÁ, K., DVOŘÁK, M., RAUŠER, P., SRNEC, R., NEČAS, A.Digital radiographic analysis of optical density of the distal segment of the trochlear notch of the ulna in Labrador retrievers with fragmented coronoid process.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2010, vol.79, no.2, p.299‑306.
- Proks, P., Stehlik, L., Irova, K., Dvorak, M., Srnec, R., Nečas, A.Relationship between radioulnar incongruity of elbow joints and the type of fragmented processus coronoideus medialis.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2010, vol.79, no.2, p.307‑312.
- Proks, P., Stehlik, L., Irova, K., Srnec, R., Raušer, P., Dvorak, M., Necas, A.Occurrence of radiologically detectable “kissing” lesion in dog elbows in dependence on the type of fragmentation of the processus coronoideus medialis and on sex.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2010, vol.79, no.3, p.475‑480.
- Urbanová, L., Crha, M., Raušer, P., Lorenzová, J., Nečas, A.Laparoscopically assisted cryptorchidectomy using LigaSure® electrocoagulation.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2010, vol.79, no.2, p.313‑318.
- URBANOVÁ, L., SRNEC, R., PROKS, P., STEHLÍK, L., FLORIAN, Z., NÁVRAT, T., NEČAS, A.Comparison of the resistance to bending forces of the 4.5 LCP plate-rod construct and of 4.5 LCP alone applied to segmental femoral defects in miniature pigs.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2010, vol.79, no.4, p.613‑620.
- Lorenzová, J., Crha, M., Kecová, H., Urbanová, L., Stavinohová, R., Nečas, A.Patient survival periods and death causes following surgical treatment of mammary gland tumors depending on histological type of tumor:Retrospective study of 221 cases.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2010, vol.79, no.2 p.289‑297.
- Rauser, P., Stehlik, L., Proks, P., Srnec, R., Necas, A. Effect of seven-day administration of carprofen or meloxicam on renal function in clinically healthy miniature pigs.Veterinární Medicína Brno, vol.55, no.9, p.438‑444.
- CRHA, M., HLAVSA, J., PROCHÁZKA, V., ANDRAŠINA, T., SVOBODOVÁ, I., URBANOVÁ, L., PAVLÍK, T., RAUŠER, P., LORENZOVÁ, J., KALA, Z., NEČAS, A.Radiofrequency ablation of pancreas and optimal cooling of peripancreatic tissue in an ex-vivo porcine model.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2011, vol.80, no.4, p.407-413.
- PLANKA, L., NECAS, A., CRHA, M., PROKS, P., VOJTOVA, L., GAL, P.Treatment of a Bone Bridge by Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Chondrocytes in a Composite Scaffold in Pigs.Experimental Study.Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, 2011, vol.78, no.6, p.528-536
- PROKS, P., NEČAS, A., STEHLÍK, L., SRNEC, R., GRIFFON, DJ.:Quantification of Humeroulnar Incongruity in Labrador Retrievers with and without Medial Coronoid Disease.Veterinary Surgery, 2011, vol.40, no.8, p.981-986.
- PROSECKÁ, E., RAMPICHOVÁ, M., VOJTOVÁ, L., TVRDÍK, D., MELČÁKOVÁ, Š., JUHÁSOVÁ, J., PLENCNER, M., JAKUBOVÁ, R., JANČÁŘ, J., NEČAS, A., KOCHOVÁ, P., KLEPÁČEK, J., TONAR, Z., AMLER, E.Optimized conditions for mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into osteoblasts on a collagen/hydroxyapatite matrix.Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2011, vol.99A, no.2, p.307-315.
- URBANOVÁ, L., CRHA, M., RAUŠER, P., NEČAS, A.Clinical Results and Complications of Preventive Laparoscopic Assisted Gastropexy in 17 Dogs:Preliminary Study.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2011, vol.80, no.1, p.93-99
- RAUŠER, P., LEXMAULOVÁ, L., SRNEC, R., URBANOVÁ, L., PROKS, P., NEČAS, A.Effects of carprofen or meloxicam on selected hemostatic variables in miniature pigs after orthopedic surgery.Acta Veterinaria Brno, 2011, vol.80, no.4, p.401-406.
- URBANOVA, L;BLAZEK-FIALOVA, I;SRNEC, R;PENCIK, J;KRSEK, P;NECAS, A:Mathematical model of mechanical testing of bone- implant (4.5 mm LCP) construct.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2012, vol.81, no.2, p.211-215
- PLANKA, L;SRNEC, R;RAUSER, P;STARY, D;FILOVA, E;JANCAR, J;JUHASOVA, J;KREN, L;NECAS, A;GAL, P:Nanotechnology and mesenchymal stem cells with chondrocytes in prevention of partial growth plate arrest in pigs.Biomedical papers-Olomouc, 2012, vol.156, no.2, p.128-134
- NOVOTNY, L;CRHA, M;RAUSER, P;HEP, A;MISIK, J;NECAS, A;VONDRYS, D:Novel biodegradable polydioxanone stents in a rabbit airway model.Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular Sumery, 2012, vol.143, no.2, p.437-444
- RAMPICHOVA, M;MARTINOVA, L;KOSTAKOVA, E;FILOVA, E;MICKOVA, A;BUZGO, M;MICHALEK, J;PRADNY, M;NECAS, A;LUKAS, D;AMLER, E:A simple drug anchoring microfiber scaffold for chondrocyte seeding and proliferation. Journal of materials science-materials in medicine, 2012, vol.23, no.2, p.555-563
- ANDRYSÍKOVÁ, R;KUDLÁČKOVÁ, H;TOMAN, M;NEČAS, A.:Measurement of glycosaminoglycans in canine synovial fluid and its correlation with the cause of secondary osteoarthritis, age and body weight.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2012, 81(3), p.287-294.
- SRNEC, R;PROKS, P;FEDOROVÁ, P;STEHLÍK, L;DVOŘÁK, M;NEČAS, A:Myelographic diagnosis and results of surgical treatment of caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy in dogs:a retrospective study (2000–2010).Acta veterinaria Brno, 2012, no.4, p.415-420
- GROLICH, T;CRHA, M;KALA, Z;NECAS, A;HEP, A:Experimental study of polydioxanone self-expandable biodegradable stents (BPS) of a small diameter in normal pig bile ducts - first results.British Journal of Surgery, 2012, vol.99, Suppl.6, p.5
- HLAVSA, J;PROCHÁZKA, V;CRHA, M;SVOBODOVÁ, I;ANDRAŠINA, T;RAUŠER, P;URBANOVÁ, L;PAVLÍK, T;LORENZOVÁ, J;NEČAS, A;KALA, Z:Healing dynamics of porcine pancreatic parenchyma after radiofrequency ablation - in vivo experimental pilot study.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2012, no.4, p.427-431
- STEHLIK L, PROKS P, FEDOROVA P, NECAS, A:Radiographic changes of the patellar ligament in dogs after tibial tuberosity advancement.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2013, vol.82, no.2, p.215-218
- CHALOUPKA R, DVOŘÁK M, TICHÝ F, VESELÝ J, NEČAS, A:Development of the spine following pinealectomy or sensorimotor cortical area damage.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2013, vol.82, no.4, p.411-414
- PLENCNER M, EAST B, TONAR Z, OTÁHAL M, PROSECKÁ E, RAMPICHOVÁ M, KREJČÍ T, LITVINEC A, BUZGO M, MÍČKOVÁ A, NEČAS A, HOCH J, AMLER E:Abdominal closure reinforcement by using polypropylene mesh functionalized with poly-Ԑ-caprolactone nanofibers and growth factors for prevention of incisional hernia formation.International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2014, vol.9, p.3263-3277 (IF 3.463)
- AMLER E, FILOVÁ E, BUZGO M, PROSECKÁ E, RAMPICHOVÁ M, NEČAS A, NOOEAID P, BOCCACCINI AR:Functionalized nanofibers as drug-delivery systems for osteochondral regeneration.Nanomedicine, 2014, vol.9, no.7, p.1083–1094 (IF 5.260)
- FEDOROVA P, SRNEC R, PENCIK J, SCHMID P, AMLER E, URBANOVA L, NECAS A:Mechanical testing of newly developed biomaterial designed for intra-articular reinforcement of partially ruptured cranial cruciate ligament:ex vivo pig model.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2014, vol.83, no.1, p.55-60
- FIALOVÁ I, PANINÁROVÁ M, NEČAS A, STEHLÍK L, PROKS P:Prevalence of lumbosacral transitional vertebrae in dogs in the Czech Republic.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2014, vol.83, no.4, p.399-403
- GROLICH, T;CRHA, M;NOVOTNY, L;KALA, Z;HEP, A;NECAS, A;HLAVSA, J;MITAS, L;MISIK, J:Self-expandable biodegradable biliary stents in porcine model.Journal of Surgical Research, 2015, vol.193, no.2, p.606-612.
- URBANOVA L, VYHNANKOVA V, KRISOVA S, PACIK D, NECAS A:Intensive training technique utilizing the dog’s olfactory abilities to diagnose prostate cancer in men.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2015, vol.84, no.1, p.77-82.
- DANKOVA J, BUZGO M, VEJPRAVOVA J, KUBICKOVA S, SOVKOVA V, VYSLOUZILOVA L, MANTLIKOVA A, NECAS A, AMLER E:Highly efficient mesenchymal stem cell proliferation on poly-epsilon-caprolactone nanofibers with embedded magnetic nanoparticles.International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2015, vol.10, p.7307-7317.
- CRHA, M;VAN GOETHEM, B;DVORAK, M;NECAS, A Emergency laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy for acute abdomen due to testicular torsion in a dog.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2015, vol.84, no.2, p.167-171.
- FEDOROVA P, SRNEC R, PENCIK J, DVORAK M, KRBEC M, NECAS A:Intra-artikulární augmentace parciální ruptury předního zkříženého vazu (ACL) nově vyvinutým UHMWPE biomateriálem v kombinaci s Hexalon ACL/PCL šrouby:ex vivo mechanické testování animálního modelu kolenního kloubu.Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, 2015, vol.82, no.3, p.222-228.
- PROKS P, STEHLIK L, PANINAROVA M, IROVA K, LORENZOVA J, NECAS A:Congenital subcutaneous arteriovenous malformation in a puppy:diagnosis with CT angiography.Veterinary Dermatology, 2015, vol.26, no.5, p.384-386.
- FILOVÁ E, JAKUBCOVÁ B, DANILOVÁ I, KUŽELOVÁ KOŠŤÁKOVÁ E, JAROŠÍKOVÁ T, CHERNYAVSKIY O, HEJDA J, HANDL M, BEZNOSKA J, NEČAS A, ROSINA J, AMLER E:Polycaprolactone Foam Functionalized With Chitosan Microparticles – a Suitable Scaffold for Cartilage Regeneration.Physiological Research, 2016, vol.65, p.121-131.
- SRNEC R, FEDOROVÁ P, PĚNČÍK J, VOJTOVÁ L, SEDLINSKÁ M, NEČAS A:Ex Vivo Testing of Mechanical Properties of Canine Metacarpal/Metatarsal Bones after Simulated Implant Removal.Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, 2016, vol.83, no.2, p.111-116.
- SVATOŇ R, HLAVSA J, KALA Z, PROCHÁZKA V, GAŠPAROVÁ K, CRHA M, NEČAS A, RAUŠER P, ANDRAŠINA T, VÁLEK V, SVOBODOVÁ I:Selective effect of irreversible electroporation on parenchyma of the pancreas and its vascular structures - an in vivo experiment on a porcine model.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2016, vol.85, no.2, p.133-137.
- TEJRAL G, SOPKO B, NECAS A, SCHONER W, AMLER E:Computer modelling reveals new conformers of the ATP binding loop of Na+/K+-ATPase involved in the transphosphorylation process of the sodium pump.PeerJ, 2017, vol.5, DOI:7717/peerj.3087.
- SRNEC R, HORÁK Z, SEDLÁČEK R, SEDLINSKÁ M, KRBEC M, NEČAS A:Comparison between the Range of Movement Canine Real Cervical Spine and Numerical Simulation - Computer Model Validation.Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, 2017, vol.84, no.2, p.133-137.
- SNASIL R, PROKS P, NECASOVA A, MICHACAKOVA K, NECAS A:Canine Elbow Humeroulnar Incongruity Measurements Using Computed Tomograph.Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, 2017, vol.84, no.4, p.299-303.
- HADRABA, D., JANÁČEK, J., FILOVÁ, E., LOPOT, F., PAESEN, R., FANTA, O., JARMAN, A., NEČAS, A., AMELOOT, M., JELEN, K.:Calcaneal Tendon Collagen Fiber Morphometry and Aging.Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2017, vol.23, no.5:p.1040-1047.
- STEHLÍK L, VIGNOLI M, PROKS P, TRNKOVÁ Š, NEČAS A:A modified technique for radiographic measurement of the tibial plateau angle in dogs.Veterinární medicína, 2017, vol.62, no.11:p.583-588.
- GREGOR A, FILOVÁ E, NOVÁK M, KRONEK J, CHLUP H, BUZGO M, BLAHNOVÁ V, LUKÁŠOVÁ V, BARTOŠ M, NEČAS A, HOŠEK J.:Designing of PLA scaffolds for bone tissue replacement fabricated by ordinary commercial 3D printer.J Biol Eng, 2017, vol.11, art.Nr.:31.doi:10.1186/s13036-017-0074-3.eCollection 2017.
- BUZGO, M., FILOVÁ, E., STAFFA, A., RAMPICHOVÁ, M., DOUPNIK, M., VOCETKOVÁ, K., LUKÁŠOVÁ, V., KOLCUN, R., LUKÁŠ, D., NEČAS, A., AMLER, E.:Needleless emulsion electrospinning for the regulated delivery of susceptible proteins.Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2018, vol.12, no.3:p.583-597.
- PACIK D, PLEVOVA M, URBANOVA L, LACKOVA Z, STRMISKA V, NECAS A, HEGER Z, ADAM V:Identification of Sarcosine as a Target Molecule for the Canine Olfactory Detection of Prostate Carcinoma.Scientific Reports, 2018, vol.8, art.Nr:4958.DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-23072-4.
- SOVKOVA V, VOCETKOVA K, RAMPICHOVA M, MICKOVA A, BUZGO M, LUKASOVA V, DANKOVA J, FILOVA E, NECAS A, AMLER E:Platelet lysate as a serum replacement for skin cell culture on biomimetic PCL nanofibers.Platelets, 2018, vol.29, no.4:p.395-405.
- PROKS P, STEHLIK L, NYVLTOVA I, NECAS A, VIGNOLI M, JEKL V:Vertebral formula and congenital abnormalities of the vertebral column in rabbits.Veterinary Journal, 2018, vol.236, p.80-88.
- SRNEC R, DIVIN R, SKORIC M, SNASIL R, KRBEC M, NECAS A:Use of the Peptigel with Nanofibres in the Bone Defects Healing. Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, 2018, vol.85, no.5, p.359-365.
- MISSO G, ZARONE MR, LOMBARDI A, GRIMALDI A, COSSU AM, FERRI C, RUSSO M, VUOSO DC, LUCE A, KAWASAKI H, DI MARTINO MT, VIRGILIO A, FESTA A, GALEONE A, DE ROSA G, IRACE C, DONADELLI M, NECAS A, AMLER E, TAGLIAFERRI P, TASSONE P, CARAGLIA M:miR-125b Upregulates miR-34a and Sequentially Activates Stress Adaption and Cell Death Mechanisms in Multiple Myeloma.Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 2019, vol.16, no.1, p.391-406.
- CORREALE, P;SALADINO, RE;GIANNARELLI, D;GIANNICOLA, R;AGOSTINO, R;STAROPOLI, N;STRANGIO, A;DEL GIUDICE, T;NARDONE, V;ALTOMONTE, M;PASTINA, P;TINI, P;FALZEA, AC;IMBESI, N;ARCATI, V;ROMEO, G;CARACCIOLO, D;LUCE, A;CARAGLIA, M;GIORDANO, A;PIRTOLI, L;NECAS, A;AMLER, E;BARBIERI, V;TASSONE, P;TAGLIAFERRI, P:Distinctive germline expression of class I human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles and DRB1 heterozygosis predict the outcome of patients with non-small cell lung cancer receiving PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint blockade.Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, 2020, vol.8, no.1:e000733.doi:10.1136/jitc-2020-000733.
- SCIAMMARELLA, C;LUCE, A;RICCARDI, F;MOCERINO, C;MODICA, R;BERRETTA, M;MISSO, G;COSSU, AM;COLAO, A;VITALE, G;NECAS, A;FEDACKO, J;GALDIERO, M;CORREALE, P;FAGGIANO, A;CARAGLIA, M;CAPASSO, A;GRIMALDI, A:Lanreotide Induces Cytokine Modulation in Intestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors and Overcomes Resistance to Everolimus.Frontiers in Oncology, 2020, vol.10, art.1047, doi:10.3389/fonc.2020.01047.
- SRNEC, R;NECASOVA, A;PROKS, P;SKORIC, M;FILIPEJOVA, Z;VOJTOVA, L;NECAS, A:Femoral bone defect healing using two novel biocompatible degradable materials.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2020, vol.89, no.2, p.163-169.
- NECASOVA, A;LORENZOVA, J;STEHLIK, L;PROKS, P;FILIPEJOVA, Z;NECAS, A:Clinical and laboratory outcome after surgical treatment of single congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt using ameroid constrictor in 25 dogs.Acta veterinaria Brno, 2020, vol.89, no.4, p.357-365.
- SRNEC, R;PENCIK, J;STANKOVA, L;NECASOVA, A;KRBEC, M;NECAS, A:Mechanical Testing of Tendons Sutured with Newly Developed Biomaterial.Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca, 2020, vol.87, no.3, p.210-214.
Original scientific works published in extenso in scientific journals without IF
- LOMBARDI, A;RUSSO, M;LUCE, A;MORGILLO, F;TIRINO, V;MISSO, G;MARTINELLI, E;TROIANI, T;DESIDERIO, V;PAPACCIO, G;IOVINO, F;ARGENZIANO, G;MOSCARELLA, E;SPERLONGANO, P;GALIZIA, G;ADDEO, R;NECAS, A;NECASOVA, A;CIARDIELLO, F;RONCHI, A;CARAGLIA, M;GRIMALDI, A:Comparative Study of NGS Platform Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine and Therascreen Rotor-Gene Q for the Detection of Somatic Variants in Cancer.High Throughput, 2020;vol.9, no.1:4.Published online 2020 Feb 11.doi:10.3390/ht9010004
- NEČAS, A., TOOMBS, J.P., JOHNSON, A.L.:Zevní skeletní fixace a biologická léčba fraktur.Vector, 1998, 162 p., ISBN 80-85-114-33-X.
- NEČAS, A., TOOMBS, J.P.:Dysplazie kyčelního kloubu u psů.Artron, 1999, 79 p., ISBN 80-85-114-58-5.
- Raušer, P., NEČAS, A., Hellebrekers, L.J., Knotek, Z.:Základy inhalační anestezie u malých zvířat.Artron s.r.o., 2001, 126 p., ISBN 80-7305-395-0.
- Raušer, P., NEČAS, A., Kabeš, r., lexmaulová, L., Mossing, m.:Základy lokální anestezie u malých zvířat.Metoda spol.s r.o., 2002, 96 p., ISBN 80-7305-431-0.
- NEČAS, A., HULSE, D., DVOŘÁK, M.:Dlahování končetin, závěsy, smyčky a bandáže.Metoda spol.s r.o., 2002, 89 p., ISBN 80-7305-439-6.
- NEČAS, A., HUdson, s., kecová, h.:Rehabilitace a fyzikální terapie u psů.Metoda spol.s r.o., 2002, 58 p., ISBN 80-7305-440-X.
- NEČAS, A., KRAUS, K., DVOŘÁK, M.:Onemocnění torakolumbální páteře.CCB, spol.s r.o., 2003, 104 p., ISBN 80-7305-471-X.
- NEČAS, A., GRIFFON, D.:Diagnostika a léčba dysplazie kyčelního a loketního kloubu.CCB, spol.s r.o., 2004, 64 p., ISBN 80-7305-483-3.
- NEČAS, A., TOOMBS, J.P., CHALOUPKA, R.:Nemoci krční páteře.CCB, spol.s r.o., 2004, 88 p., ISBN 80-7305-497-3.
- NEČAS, A., BEALE, B.S., KRAUS, K.H.:Ruptura kraniálního zkříženého vazu u psů.CCB, spol.s r.o., 2004, 80 p., ISBN 80-7305-490-6.
- NEČAS, A., GRIFFON, D.:Chirurgická léčba zlomenin.CCB, spol.s r.o., 2005, 96 p., ISBN 80-7305-513-9.
- NEČAS, A., BEALE, B.S.:Traumata kloubů.CCB, spol.s r.o., 2005, 88 p., ISBN 80-7305-514-7.
- KECOVÁ, H., GERDING, P.A.Jr., HLINOMAZOVÁ, Z., NEČAS, A.:Příčiny slepoty a projevy celkových onemocnění na oku.CCB, spol.s r.o., 2005, 80 p., ISBN 80-7305-515-5.
- POTEET, B.A., NEČAS, A., DVOŘÁK, M., PROKS, P., KRUPA, P.:Zobrazovací metody v diagnostice onemocnění gastrointestinálního systému.CCB, spol.s r.o., 2006, 40 p., ISBN 80-7305-552-X.
- NICKEL R, KUČERA J, NEČAS A, HLINOMAZOVÁ Z, KECOVÁ H, LORENZOVÁ J:Diagnostika a léčba poruch mikce.CCB, spol.s r.o., 2006, 64 p., ISBN 80-7305-551-1.
- TOOMBS JP, NEČAS A, SRNEC R, KECOVÁ H:Biologická osteosyntéza zajištěným hřebováním a zevní skeletní fixací.CCB, spol.s r.o., 2006, 72 p., ISBN 80-7305-562-7.
- NICKEL, R., KUČERA, J., DöRFELT, R., NEČAS, A., KECOVÁ, H., CRHA, M., LORENZOVÁ, J.Nemoci ledvin.1.vyd.Brno:CCB spol.s r.o., 2007, 56 p., ISBN 978-80-7305-008-5.
- NEČAS, A., BEALE, B.S., HULSE, D.A., SRNEC, R.a kol.:Osteotomie a nové trendy v léčbě nemocí kostí a kloubů.1.vyd.Brno:CCB spol.s r.o., 2007, 56 stran, ISBN 978-80-7305-009-2
- NEČAS A, GRIFFON DJ, PROKS P:Nové poznatky v diagnostice a léčbě nemocí kloubů.VFU Brno 2008, 84 p., ISBN 978-80-7305-051-1
- GÁL P, NEČAS A, PLÁNKA L:Experimental work on the growth plate.CCB a.s.2008, Brno, 195 p.ISBN 978-80-85825-61-9
- WILLARD MD, CRHA M, URBANOVÁ L, NEČAS A:Endoskopie a miniinvazivní chirurgické zákroky v dutině břišní a hrudní.VFU Brno 2009, 52 p., ISBN 978-80-7305-059-7
part II.